Well... good morning! Sorry it's been so long. It's been a rough Winter. The canoes have been on my mind, constantly! I have kicked myself, for this. Every DUGOUT CANOE journey is different, and EVERY one teaches me something. I will NOT leave a project UNFINISHED, again. The canoes deserve better. I left my gear there, and in other places, and have regretted doing so, again. I've learned, in the past, to NOT separate myself from my gear. It NEVER works out well. Sometimes, you have to re-learn things. I have re-learned this lesson.
That said, the Little Pine will be moved to a new location, shortly, so that I may complete the project. Due to circumstances beyond my control, Curlew Lake Canoe Camp is closed, indefinitely. Unfortunately, the Big Pine, that I spent SO many hours on, cannot be finished. I believe it's mission was to connect me to Dave Konz, and the Little Pine, A.K.A. The Barter Faire Canoe. The trees work in mysterious ways.
Since I can't work on the Little Pine, yet, I've decided to answer the call of a BIG cottonwood! It found me, a few days ago, in Westminster, Colorado! With the help of several new friends, I was able to get it to a proper "Canoe Camp," in Wheat Ridge. Miss Ellie met me over the Winter, and offered a beautiful spot, underneath three cottonwoods, to work on this project! She even had some sage, which I forgot (along with my camera), as I raced across town, yesterday, to move the tree!
I proceeded to bless the canoe, for it's transformation, smudging it with the sage. Soon after, I got choppin'! I roughed-out some lines on the bottom, and dug in. She's very wide, but not very long. The width will allow me to carve her into a very beautiful, more traditional, canoe shape. She was estimated at 8000 lbs! I'm gonna get her down to about 200...
This morning, I woke up to 5 inches of snow! My back is thanking me, for taking the day off! Colorado is funny, and I'll have sunshine, and no snow, within a day or two. Though my back is killing me, I'm VERY motivated to chop! Stay tuned. Welcome back! I'm happy you could join us, on this new journey, at Wheat Ridge Canoe Camp... Canoe! Canoe!
Keep on writing. Your story is worth hearing!!!