Thursday, September 19, 2013


Good morning!
    Big weather change last night! Winter is coming. Got a little choppin' done... mostly smoothing out the inside of the starboard gunwales, and the bottom. Went over to Peter's place for a while. He's throwing out ideas, a far as being an artist... and making money. I need to work on that last part, there. He's always got several projects going, and goes with the flow. I understand this way of thinking, now.
    We went to town... the bustling metropolis of Curlew, Washington! Not much there. Went into a restaurant, kind of. I noticed a lot of musical instruments, and got excited. Then, I figured it out. Jesus signs everywhere... "Jesus is coming!", "Are you ready for Jesus?", and so on. It was a pot-luck dinner, all right, but there was a catch! After a wonderful meal, they broke out some song books. They LOOKED, to me, like very small karaoke books, but I knew what they were. The idea was to sing praises of Jesus, in return for our meal. 
    I grew up with this. Raised Roman-Catholic, I went to Sunday School, and the like. My Mom used to find "Single's Churches" that played lots of music, being single, herself. As I grew up, I grew out of it! At this point, I'm SPIRITUALLY STRONGER than I've ever been. That said, I am not into "relidion", anymore. There were a lot of smiles last night. I hope they are, TRULY, happy. Love is here. Just as a gentleman was preparing a "presentation", Peter wisked me away. Good move! I think it was about missionary work in Malaysia. I'll pass.
    Came back to camp, and crawled into my tent. Cooler than it's been, I was quite comfortable! I swear it looks like snow, this morning! Don't think it will, but it's a good reminder...
                            CANOE! CANOE!

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